Free Background Check

Best Background Check Online. Start a Free Search Below!

Search for anyone in the United States! 100% Confidential! Updated on March 10, 2025
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background check

Best Background Check Online: Criminal Records, Arrest Records, Mugshots, Court Records and More!

Our powerful search features allow you to find online records for any person in the United States in just a few minutes. GoLookUp offers top-notch data services that will reveal a wide range of personal information about the person you are searching for. Our services offer extensive reports that include full name, date of birth, federal government criminal records, court records, marriage records, divorce records, unclaimed money records, bankruptcies, email addresses, current and recent addresses, education verification, crime information, felonies, misdemeanors, phone numbers, social activities, and more. Get instant access to real-time data and run your own background check. GoLookUp allows you to perform one free background check and get a summary report before you create your account. The report can be downloaded as a PDF so you can share it with others or access it on any device. Our robust system offers thousands of public records. The first time you perform a search, you’ll be amazed at the amount of information a third party can find about friends, family members, and even about you.

Search for anyone in the United States! 100% Confidential! Updated on March 10, 2025
Sensitive Information!
Search for anyone in the United States! 100% Confidential! Updated on March 10, 2025
Sensitive Information!

Search Criminal Records to Discover More About the People in Your Life

Our public data aggregation service is a super-easy way to find out the details about the known and unknown people in your life—even information that you may find shocking. We’ve not only pulled all the available criminal records on people, but we’ve also analyzed it and made it easily searchable for our users. Use our free people search to access a complete background check on an individual, or, for more general data, search by address to discover data on crime statistics and offenses in a specified area. Perform a sex offender search to learn who’s really living in your neighborhood, including images of nearby registered sex offenders, the crime they were convicted for, former aliases, and more.

Instead of manually searching countless social media profiles on various platforms, quickly search through criminal records to find information on felonies, traffic offenses, court records, misdemeanors, parole records, inmates, and fugitives. Whether you’ve got a hunch that somebody has been involved with something criminal, or you just want to know who you and your family are being exposed to, our background check services will allow you to find answers quickly and confidentially.

Online Background Check
Online Background Check Search

Review and Comparison of the Best Background Check Website Online!

  • Step 1

    We Reviewed the Best Sites in the Space

  • Step 2

    We Analyzed Background Check Records Data

  • Step 3

    We Compared People Background Screening Reports

Public Records You Can Trust

We are fully committed to accuracy, and take great care to ensure that the information you discover—whether it be on a person, property, phone number, or neighborhood—is recent and reliable. While it’s not possible to guarantee 100% accuracy, we are constantly scanning all public records to make sure that the information you receive in your background screening reports is the best that is available.

Our searches are free to perform, though there may be a small fee for pulling full reports. If you think you are going to need to pull quite a few reports, we recommend enrolling in our monthly membership program, which provides you with unlimited access to all of the data that we have. It’s easy to subscribe to, and you can opt-out at any time.

The Wrong Way to Use Public Records or a Background Check

We want you to have easy access to detailed information on the people in your life, your state, and your neighborhood so that you know what you need to know in order to protect yourself and your loved ones. That being said, the data that you find is restricted under the Fair Credit and Reporting Act (FRCA), meaning that, by law, you may not use any of the information that you find to unfairly discriminate against prospective tenants, applicants seeking employment, insurance, or for consumer credit reports and credit scores.

About GoLookUp

We are a public data aggregation service, scanning and analyzing billions of public online records and making them easily and securely searchable so that our users can quickly discover whatever they need to know. We offer complete access to public records, including reverse phone lookups, people search, addresses, contact information, social media accounts, marriage records, divorce records, arrest records, criminal convictions, traffic citations, sex offender status, and much more. Each report we provide is an inclusive collection of public records that may include court records, emails, social information, marital status, contact information, and more

Free Background Check - Is it Really Free?

Many websites advertise their services as free, however, there is always a fee to obtain a real report. Data and data aggregation costs money and is not really free. People’s records are compiled by sensitive personal information that takes a lot of effort to collect and sort out. That information includes but is not limited to criminal records, arrest records, court records, marriage and divorce records, crimes, sex offender images, online activities, phone numbers, addresses, email information, address information (previous, and current) and a lot of other sensitive information.

Performing a search on someone means you must abide by the FCRA rules and use the information you are retrieving with extreme caution. There are strict laws about how you can use the information and can not under any circumstances harass anyone you are retrieving information about. For more information, please visit our terms and conditions.

What is a Free Background Check?

How Can we Measure what the Best Service Is?

A website's value and appreciation can result from many different verticals and aspects. In most cases, background checks are issued and requested by employers, businesses, public or private schools and in some cases upon apartment rental requests. A service provider must be certain that the party requesting the report is relying on the information in order to make important decisions. This is true for any public and criminal records data provider. Therefore, when conducting a lookup on someone, it is important to perform such an inquiry with the right service provider.

What is Screening?

Screening is the process of finding out information about an individual. This is the main reason a background check is being performed. In many cases, background screening is associated with criminal records search, as a good report will include criminal records, court records, as well as police records. If you are using a site which claims to be the best service, you will get a lot more then just criminal records. GoLookUp, for example, offers much more data and information about a person's offenses when you perform a search.


Website with valuable data, know that and will require you to pay! Do not be fooled by websites claiming to provide a free background check. Data and information, as well as data organizing, requires time and resources. In order to run a search on someone, you will need to pay either a one-time fee or a monthly fee should you wish to create an unlimited search account.

Customer Service

Good websites will provide you support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Websites that provide you with anything less than that are not considered top data service websites. GoLookUp offers the best customer service available and we urge you to give our call center a call and try us!

Who Can Request a Report?

Basically, anyone can request a background check report, as long as they follow the FCRA rules and laws. Background checks are public records and are a collection of public records and documents compiled into one report.

What are the FCRA Rules?

Also known as the Fair Credit Report Act. This is the United States Federal body which promotes privacy for any data used by consumer reporting agencies.

Criminal Records

Criminal records are part of police records of any person criminal activities which they have been convicted of. However, criminal records may also include mugshots and arrest records, of people, which may have not necessarily been convicted of. Criminal records are a part of public records and are collected by prisons, sheriff departments, and other law enforcement. You can check your criminal record by conducting a background check on yourself.

Phone Numbers

Reverse phone number lookups and reverse phone lookup are a part of a background check report. When you perform a search with GoLookUp you get complete phone number information of any person you are conducting an inquiry on. This is true the other way around as well. GoLookUp matches every piece of a person's information into one report, which you can email or download as a PDF file.

Reverse Email

Reverse email lookup is a part of GoLookUp’s background check. When you conduct any search, you will get complete email information for the people you are requesting information about. Furthermore, you will be able to perform as many reverse email searches as possible. A reverse email search will let you know the exact person or company behind any emails.

Reverse Address

Address information will be revealed with any background check report. When you conduct a background check report you will get complete current and previous address information. GoLookUp will also allow you to look up any address in the United States and get complete information and details about the address and property.

Warrant Searches

GoLookUp will let you access complete criminal records and other police records such as warrant searches. These are also a part of the public records database GoLookUp offers its customers!

Sex Offenders

Since there are around 1 million registered sex offenders, GoLookUp has taken the liberty and embedding sex offender search capabilities into your background check account. Though your background check report will not include sex offenders, you can search for sex offenders in your neighborhood once you create a GoLookUp account. Sex Offenders will include mugshots and addresses of sex offenders living near you. When searching for a new home in a new neighborhood, this can help you establish a safe and better future for your loved ones.

Questions and Answers:

What is a $1 Background Check?

Usually when you buy a $1 background check report, you will get registered into a 2-day trial or a 7-day trial. Make sure to read the terms and conditions, as the trial will turn into a membership and you will, in most cases, become a monthly member. A monthly membership will give you access to all of the website’s services. You are able to cancel your trial during that period if you do not like the service. Some websites offer $1 one time report, but the information is extremely limited and would not yield very good results!

Can I Get a Free Report?

The short answer is yes, and the longer answer would be no. Websites offering free reports would only give you partial information. If you want to receive a complete report, you would have to pay for a full membership

Can Anyone Perform a Search on Anyone Else?

That answer would be yes, however, it depends on the type of report you are looking for. There are different types of background checks. Employment background checks are different from criminal checks, credit report checks, and from a public records background check. However, to get the most information you can, for the most part, run a search on anyone in the United States.

Can I Get my Information Removed?

Yes, you can easily request an opt-out for your information and have your information removed. Most websites have an opt-out link at the bottom footer of their website.

How Much Does it Cost to Run Perform a Search?

Prices differ from website to website. Some websites cost $49.95 and others cost $19.95. Pricing is mostly dependent on the quality of information you want to receive. Quality websites would offer 100% money-back guarantee!

Can Someone run a Background Check without My Permission?

Yes. Since the information is considered public record, anyone can run a search for your name.

Is Running a Personal Background check on Myself Free?

Running an instant background check report is not free. Websites providing this information must organize their public records and go through a data process that costs money. Even though criminal and arrest records are free, combining them into a report and making them available in an easy to use dashboard; is costly. Furthermore, membership accounts will allow you to search for other people criminal records and trace the phone number of owners.

How Do I Know I am Using the Best Person Finder? There are so Many Websites Offering the Same service!

It is true. Many websites claim to offer the best services. However, there are only a small number of websites who can actually offer you a true background check report that you will be able to use for better future planning! Deciding which tool to use can be confusing. It is important you choose to go with a credible website that has been around for some time and offers a 100% money-back guarantee, such as GoLookUp!

For What Reasons are Criminal Background Checks Used?

These types of reports are mostly used by potential employers who seek to hire someone. In these cases, they are used to verify the information an applicant listed on resumes, job applications, or even Linkedin profiles. They can also be used by government agencies, the military, for security clearance purposes, for purchasing firearms, when someone applies to adopt a child, when someone applies for volunteer work, when applying for certain licenses, as well as for visa and immigration purposes.

A criminal record background check, may also be known as a “rap sheet” and will include, in most cases the individual’s criminal history record.

Criminal Record May Include:

  • First Name, Last Name, Alias of the Person
  • Addresses, Current and Previous
  • Photographs: Including Mugshots
  • Arrest Records: Including Reasons
  • Fingerprints of the Person

Other Information Might Include:

  • Warrants and Past Arrests
  • Pending Charges Against the Person
  • Previous Charges and Dismissed Charges

Who Uses Criminal Records Search for the Most Part?

A criminal background check is mostly used by potential employers who seek to hire someone. They can also be used by government agencies, the military, for security clearance purposes, for purchasing firearms, when someone applied to adopt a child, when someone applies for volunteer work, when applying for certain licenses, for visa and immigration purposes.

How Long Does it Take to Obtain a Report?

Depending on the inclusivity of the report, the website, and service you are acquiring about, a typical person report takes only a few minutes. If you are looking for a more extensive report, that would take a little longer. Reports vary from employment background checks, to public background checks and criminal ones. Each is different and through some information might be the same, other information may not.

How Do I Get a Background Check?

You can easily get a report and results with GoLookUp that would suffice and answer all your basic needs. GoLookUp offers the best data services in the industry, as well as a free background check summary, where you can spot and mark important items. Go ahead start now, we offer 100% money back guarantee!

Before you make your decision, make sure you review the following points:

  1. Research and see how long the website has been online. Is it only a few months or has it been a few years that the website has been operating?
  2. Customer service: Try calling the customer service hotline and see if they are quick to respond. Make sure you ask about their services and ensure you are speaking to a real person who is familiar with the company.
  3. What other services does the company offer? Do they offer other services? Data companies would usually offer a lot more services than just one particular service.
  4. How accurate is the data? Go ahead and perform a search and look into their background check summary report. All companies should have a summary report before you sign up for their services.
  5. Do they offer a 100% money-back guarantee? Make sure to read their terms and conditions to see if they offer a 100% money-back guarantee in case you wish to cancel their services.
  6. Search for yourself. Do you come up? Extensive websites would cover close to 90% of the United States. Therefore, your information should be available on the website.
  7. Compare the website to other websites and make sure you review and compare between different websites. GoLookUp believes in its services so much, we urge our clients to compare GoLookUp to other websites.
  8. Does the website offer valuable resources or does it just try to get you to sign up for their services? Browse the websites and try to understand how much time and effort the company has put into its resources. A valuable company takes effort into offering helpful tools for its customers and visitors!

What Can Background Checks be Used for?

Many reasons such as: Checking the truth of someone new you are dating or finding significant information about someone you are about to meet. GoLookUp will allow you to check for extremely sensitive information about someone you are dating. You can find out where they truly work. You can find out if they have a criminal records, or and if they committed a crime. Do they have a traffic ticket? you can find that out very easily! GoLookUp will allow you to tap into their entire history in just a few minutes!

Safety! If you are about to meet someone you never met before, you can use GoLookUp services as a precaution before you meet the new person. Whether it's someone you met online or through a friend to buy a used item. Taking extra steps to make sure you are not dealing with a criminal has never been easier!

Monitor your Own Records: Do you know what your records look like? Are you monitoring your records? GoLookUp will show you every piece of public records available about your. You can check and find public records information related to your name in just minutes!

Is your partner speaking to someone you are not aware of?

GoLookUp reverse phone is directly tied to our background check service. You can check for any phone number and find out the owner’s information. Get complete information and even social information for any phone number in the United States!

Find Missing People! Do you have a classmate or an old friend you can not get a hold of? Is there a special someone you lost touch with? GoLookUp public records will get you complete contact information for any person in the United States, in less than one minute! Find old friends and reunite with lost family members!

Are you Looking for a Property Owner Information? Not Sure if you Should go Into Business with a Particular Person?

All of the “I did not know about that” is in the past. GoLookUp will reveal the truth about any person you search for. Don’t go into business with anyone without running a search with GoLookUp!

Enter your Name and Get Complete Detailed Information

Perform a search and get a complete report of how much information is available regarding your records online! Get outdated old records to update real-time records in a matter of minutes. Add and remove public records from your name from multiple sources!

Start your search today!
Type in a name, phone number, address, or zip code you’d like to know more about, and we will bring the public records right to your screen.

Search for anyone in the United States! 100% Confidential! Updated on March 10, 2025
Sensitive Information!